Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine Mustache and Beard Party

Make your Valentine's fun with our ideas for a Valentine Face Party featuring heart shaped beards and mustaches.

Valentine Party Invitation by Paint Savvy, for your printing and distributing pleasure:
Supplies needed to make Valentine Beards and Mustaches:

1. red and pink construction paper
2. red string
3. glue
4. scissors and white paper


1. Print the provided Valentine Beard and Mustache templates on white paper.
2. Cut along the black line to create a template for tracing.
3. Fold a sheet of construction paper in half and place the edge of the template on the fold of the paper.
4. Trace and cut.
5. Unfold the paper and attach string with glue.
6. Tie beard or mustache onto face with string.

*note, for the beard, there is a line on the template indicating where to cut for the mouth.  Measure the length of the child's lips, divide that in half and cut accordingly.  The line is where you cut for the top of the mouth.

Let your kids decorate their Valentine Beards and Mustaches with markers, crayons and glitter.

Felt can be used as well for this project as a more substantial option.

Here are the links to the Valentine Beard Template and Valentine Mustache Template.

The obvious choice is PIN THE MUSTACHE ON THE DONKEY
Complete instructions and template for making your own adorable donkey can be found here

Take your favorite cookie recipe and make mustache cookies with these Mustache Cookie Cutters

Dress up cherry coke or chocolate milk with Mustache Straws!

Additional Novelty Items:
Mustache band-aids which we gave a whirl, see our models below:
Pick yours up at Perpetual Kid

and fingerstaches! How cute is this idea, we found some at Five and Below for just $2 for 20 staches!

(image from Britandco)

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