Sunday, April 7, 2013

End It Movement!

So today we are visiting Passion Church in Atlanta GA.
They are up to some amazing things!
They are sponsoring a massive movement to bring awareness to current day slavery.
Fact: there are 27 million people being held and forced into labor against their will, in this world. Many of whom are children (an estimated half).

They have 7 partners, on the ground working every day to expose this evil.
Two teams of people have just returned from campus crusades across the country to bring awareness to everyone who will listen because every person counts.
They have raised the funds to run an ad on both sides of time square for the next week every hour to bring awareness to the masses of visitors NYC will see this week.
On Tuesday, April 9 you can make a difference too. No matter where you are in this world... Join the movement. Simply wear or draw a red x on your hand. Or get creative. See below images for your own inspiration.
And get involved!
Slavery still exists!

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