Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Face painter kit care


After 7 years of "road" experience, we have certainly discovered 
many ways to care for our supplies.
Here are some do's, don'ts and helpful tips to assist your expedition of the process.

present a dirty kit

Patrons are judging you and are wondering before they reach your station, what you are applying to their children's faces. It won't help to see the above painter presentation. 
1. near empty paints
2. dirty paints (hard to tell what color those once were)
3. dirty piled up sponges
4. filthy water and paint tray container
5. dirty hand wipes

Our personal pet peeve:
Have food at your station... or eat there

Take a short break and have a seat around back or find an eating area.
Again, paints, food and drink don't work well together. Imagine visiting your hairdresser or make up artist and seeing her lunch displayed like this. You might wonder if she took the time to cleanse her hands.
Wipes and hand sanitize are great to keep on hand at any event.

Present the best possible visual painter station you can.

1. Choose the most important the items that you need out and visible
2. items most likely to become really soiled are sponges, you can have a not so visible container for used sponges so that your clean ones are always visible to patrons
3. always store your brushes upright in ether your brush tub or holder (this preserves the bristles and keeps your station much cleaner)
4. Always have business cards handy, many people don't know you provide these services for private parties

Additional tips:

Wash your paint tray with a scrubbing brush and mild soap to really get it clean:


Clean your paints at the end of an event by using a clean damp sponge to remove the top layer.
We recommend allowing the paints to air dry before replacing lids, however, professional grade make-up  products designed for face painting are treated to reduce bacterial growth. Air-drying  is sufficient.

Clean your sponges and brushes in a mild soapy solution at the end of the event or as soon as you can.
Bacteria does grow at an alarming rate on these items if left in a plastic bag or wet and unattended too. Sponges will literally rot away due to the bacteria.
We recommend allowing them to air dry properly and storing sponges in a porous bag:

Paint Savvy is a leader in the face painter industry. For more information regarding any of the products seen or questions about product or service, please contact a representative today!

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