Thursday, May 16, 2013

International Spy Party!!!

There is nothing cooler than a Spy Party! 
Kids get the greatest kick out of the thrill of mystery and solving crime.

In order to put your event on, several activities, a craft or two, some great take home gifts and theme music of course!
Below we have compiled a super list of Spy Party necessities.

Invitations: Use a blow up of your child's thumbprint on each invite. Encourage your participants to wear dark clothes, sunglasses and perhaps a coat, hat or wig. 

Arrival: Create characters for each "agent" that arrives.
Each participant is assigned or chooses their alias. The object is to read information about their alias and remain in spy character during the party.
Agent Secret Sammy: Born: 4-29-99 education: ________, favorite food _________, favorite weapon ________ specialty___________, city of origin __________etc

(image from

Create memory testing stations 
create a memory picture board or table with physical items. Kids have to view the items and then move to the next station and answer questions about those items. They can earn points based on their memory skill.

Create a street scene where they have to identify suspicious activity or items (like a paper bag in an odd place) this tests their ability to see things that are out of place. This could be made using old magazines, staging a quick scene and photographing, or drawing.


  Toilet Paper Roll Binoculars

(Easy) Craft 1: 
Make invisible ink

(Difficult) Craft 2: 
make your own marshmallow gun

(Easy) Craft 3:
Make spy binoculars out of toilet paper rolls:

Have a scavenger hunt using giant puzzle pieces:
Here's how:
1. take a picture of the treasure chest hiding place or simply write the hiding place on a poster board using a marker
2. Draw puzzle pieces onto the back of your poster, cut the poster pieces and assign each piece a hiding place.
Create clues to lead the group of children to each hiding place. 
When each piece has been assembled, the puzzle will indicate where the prize lies.

Party favors:

Here are some amazing gifts for all the attendees to take home with them to continue their spy adventures!

operation espionage rear view glasses
($14 for a set of 4 at
Operation Spy™ Rearview Glasses
micro voice scrambler ($8 1 piece at
Spy Gear Micro Voice Scrambler
lipstick pen ($8 set of four at
Lipstick Pen (Set of 4)
truth detector ($8 set of four at
Truth Detector Cards

Spy Party Music:
Here is the ultimate ready cut mix of the best spy music of all time, including: 
James Bond, Pink Panther, Mission Impossible, Hawaii 5 O and More..
Ultimate YouTube Spy Party Mix

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